The Prostituted Protection Act has been in force since 01/07/2017, has been valid for all since 01/01/2018 and includes 42 operator obligations.Meeting the daily obligations of the law is a great challenge.The subject of VAT add-on leads to many problems.Errors threaten high penalties.To solve the many problems, the 6profis-APP was developed in cooperation with associations, authorities, lawyers, tax consultants and experts.The 6profis APP facilitates the complicated work of complying with legal obligations.- Scan badges- create contracts- Manage documents- reminder of appointments & legal deadlines - emergency call & help phone- Guide- Message addresses- Counseling centers- external presentation (VAT)- Legal Advertising- Compliance with legal requirements - and what else is so important.And the best:The 6profis app is just as easy to use as your messenger app, with which you already send your messages and photos every day.The law under control and all data up to date. The 6profis app is the mobile office, ingenious for operators and prostitutes.This makes it easy to comply with the prostitution law.